Friday, August 13, 2010

The Whole Hog Pig Pickin'

The Whole Hog Pig Pickin'. Lots of us can do good Boston butts and make some pretty good bbq. Pretty much it is "start with a good rub, do it low and slow for 8 hours or so, get it to about 195 degrees on the inside" and you've got a good start. Fewer folks can do "the whole hog" to perfection. One fellow who can is my friend Doug Kitchens of Scott's BBQ in Cochran, GA. I had lined Doug up to do us a whole hog for Jed and Shanna's wedding rehearsal dinner. Shanna wasn't overly thrilled with Jed's idea, but somehow he won her over. Doug did the thing to perfection, and I think everyone thoroughly enjoyed this twist. Here's a couple of pics, and yes, a week later, I'm still eating bbq!